Gelatin is a substantially pure protein, obtained by thermal denaturation fo collagen, which are the structural main stay and most common protein in the animal kingdom. Gelatin sponges have been used in clinical practice as hemostats for more than 50 years and has been proven to be effective and safe as othertypes of haemostats.
HAEMOSPON is an absorbable surgical haemostatic sponge, manufactured from highly purified nutral gelatin meterial exclusively from bovine origin for use in various surgical procedures, where tradional haemostatis is difficult or impractical and use of other non-absorbable materials is undesimble. Available in differnt convenient dimensions in gamma starilized form with suitable double sterile blister packaging or pouches for special sizes. HAEMOSPON absorbs approximately 40-50 times, it's weight of water and adheres easily to the bleeding site. The uniform porosity guarantees a favourable haemostatis. When implanted in vivo, it is completely obsorbed with in 3-4 weeks.
General Surgery
Anorectal surgery
Application Methodology
HAEMOSPON is while, pliable, light and issoluable in water. It is removed from the package under strict aseptic conditions and can be cut to required size, applied dry or saturated with physiological salt solution or thrombin or an antibiotic solution of the desired concentration. Sqeeze the material between two fingers to remove the air bubbles so that the sponge, while immersed in the solution will regain its original size and shape almost immediately. At the time of use, the superfluous solution may be allowed to drip upon a gauze compress. The saturated sponge is then applied to the hemorrage area and is then held in place with moderate pressure for 10-15 seconds.
Usually the first application of HAEMOSPON will control bleeding, but if not, additional applications shoud be made using fresh pieces of sponge. When bleeding is controlled, the pieces of should be left in place; otherwise bleeding may start again. Since it causes little more cellular infiltration than the blood clot, the wound may be closed over it.